FastOpen is a system utility allowing to open documents very easily using the contextual menus. For each type of documents FastOpen adds, in the contextual menu, your most frequently used applications . To open these documents by an application, just select it in the contextual menu.
Why You Need FastOpen?
Let us examine the following situations: (1) You need often open text documents with SimpleText and BBEdit Lite, and also compress these documents using DropStuff™. (2) You need often uncompress a compressed file using StuffIt Expander™.
Whitout FastOpen a good way to do these operations is probably creating alias for your favorite applications and putting them on the desktop, then using drag & drop to open or compress documents. This method reveals some inconvenience:
- Need show both document and application in the screen,
- Need choose correctly your application from a long list,
- Need do amount of mouse travel.
With FastOpen you can open documents much more easily using contextual menu. After installing and setting FastOpen, select the document under Finder and press the mouse button while holding the Control key, the following contextual menus appear:
System Requirements
The minimum configuration requirements for using FastOpen are:
- PowerPC processor based Macintosh.
- MacOS 8.0 or higher with the Contextual Menu Manager extension and the SOMObjects™ for Mac OS shared library in the Extensions folder.
Drag and drop the FastOpen CM plugin module onto your closed System Folder. The Finder will place it to the Contextual Menu Items folder. Restart your computer.
For the program FastOpen Setting, You can place it everywhere as you like.
Which applications will be added in the contextual menu for a given document type? They are defined by FastOpen Setting program.
(a) Open FastOpen Setting application, the FastOpen Setting window appears.
(b) Drag a sample document icon under Finder, drop it into the Selection Icons under Finder box at the top of the FastOpen Setting window.
(c) Drag the application that you want to add in the contextual menu, drop it into the Show Applications in Context Menu box at the bottom of the FastOpen Setting window.
(d) Quit FastOpen Setting.
- You needn't to do the work of setting for every document you have. One document for each file type (text, image, movie,...).
- To add other application for this document, repeat (c).
- To set application for an other document type, repeat (b) and (c).
- To re-edit an old setting, repeat (b) and (c), or using the Rapport Window. Select the Rapport Window from the File menu.
- You can change the order of the applications by moving them using drag and drop.
- To turn an application hide/show in the contextual menu, drag it between the FastOpen Setting window and the Hide Applicatins window. Select the Applications Window from the File menu.
- To delete application or document type, click to select it and select Clear from the Edit menu.
- Other selections types under Finder. Please look the Selection menu and try them.